How to report a concern
University staff, students and those external to the university may have a cause for concern with regard to a member of the university or individual who the university has engaged with. You should use the Safeguarding referral form, it provides the primary reporting channel. It is important you report all concerns through this channel because:
- It is monitored Monday to Friday 9.00-18.00 (outside of these hours statutory safeguarding matters should be referred to Kirklees Emergency Duty Service 01484 414933).
- The student wellbeing team are trained to respond to safeguarding reports and will escalate matters as required.
- A central record of safeguarding reports enables individual cases to be considered holistically and consistently.
- A central record enables analysis and reporting to identify causes for concern that may extend beyond an individual report.
What to include a report
When reporting a safeguarding concern include the following information in the relevant sections of the form:
Reporter Details (your details)
- Name of person completing this form
- Role
- Contact details (phone/email)
Person making disclosure
- Name of person making disclosure
- Date of birth
- Contact details (phone number and/or email)
- Address
- School and course (if applicable)
- Nature of involvement
Details of others involved
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Contact details (phone number and/or email)
- Nature of involvement
Details of allegation/suspicion/concern including relevant
- dates and times
- persons involved,
- witnesses
- locations
- what was said/done
- visible injuries or marks sustained, etc.
Has the person making the disclosure given consent for this information to be shared?
- Yes or No. If no, explain their reasoning for this
Have they been advised that this information has been shared with the Designated Safeguarding Officer despite consent not being given?
Is the abuse/incident still ongoing?
Do any alleged perpetrators continue to have access to or contact with the vulnerable person?