Section 7: End Extension Regulation

You may wish to seek impartial advice and support from the Students’ Union Advice Centre if you wish to apply for an extension.


7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 This procedure may be right for you, if you are in the final stages of your research degree and you experiencing personal circumstances that are affecting your ability to complete your work on time.

7.1.2 You can apply for an end extension for the following assessment points:

  • Submission of your thesis after a period of writing-up.
  • Submission of your thesis during the final exam phase (when you have been working on corrections).

7.1.3 Registry will only allow extensions at this late stage in limited exceptional circumstances, which are supported by independent evidence.

7.1.4 If you fail to submit your work without an approved extension or interruption in place, you will be failed for non-submission and administratively withdrawn from your programme.


7.2 General principles

7.2.1 A request for an end extension must be made as far in advance as possible of your submission deadline and you must keep working towards your original deadline until you have received our decision. An application received on or after your submission deadline will not normally be considered.

7.2.2 If we agree to give you an extension at this point in your studies:

  • We may require you to engage with other support services or meet certain conditions.
  • This will change your course end date.

7.2.3 If you are an international student, you must discuss any extension with the International Office so they can advise you whether this will be allowed and how it will impact your visa.

7.2.4 If we do not agree to give you an extension at the end of writing-up or during your amendments phase, you can appeal this decision.


7.3 Applying for an end extension

7.3.1 You can find full details of how to Apply for an end extension on our website.