Section 10: Support to Study Regulation

You may wish to seek impartial advice and support from the Students’ Union Advice Centre if you are asked to meet with us to discuss  concerns we may have about your fitness to study and what support may be required to help you successfully continue.


10.1 Regulation Introduction

10.1.1 This section applies to all students whether you are full-time, part-time, undergraduate or postgraduate.

10.1.2 The term ‘support to study’ relates to our assessment of your current ‘fitness’ to participate safely, independently and successfully in academic study and student life generally.

10.1.3 This regulation will normally apply to you if you are very ill and / or we have serious concerns about your behaviour and/or wellbeing and/or capability. We will act promptly in these circumstances, as our early intervention may prevent a situation developing into a crisis at a later stage. In some circumstances, your alleged behaviour may also be assessed under the precautionary measures procedure (section 13).

10.1.4 We are committed to supporting your wellbeing throughout your studies. We recognise that a positive approach to the management of physical and mental health issues is critical to your learning, academic achievement and your wider student experience.

10.1.5 Unfortunately, there may be occasions when your physical or mental health temporarily impacts on your fitness to study because it prevents you from engaging with your studies and/or functioning more widely as a member of the University community. Examples of possible concerns about your fitness to study include: 

  • If we believe you pose a risk to your own health, safety or wellbeing and / or that of
  • If your behaviour is (or is at risk of) disrupting the teaching, learning and / or experience of other students.
  • If your behaviour is (or is at risk of) disrupting the day‐to‐day activities of the University or a placement
  • If you need extra support which falls outside the scope of the services which we can reasonably be expected to offer.


10.2 Interruption through the Support to Study procedure

10.2.1 If we have concerns about you, we will try to work with you in a spirit of cooperation to find a solution. If you are unable to engage with us, we may determine that you are unfit to study at the present time and we could interrupt your registration until you are well enough to return to your studies. In this case, we will make all reasonable efforts to consult with you and explain why we have made this decision.

10.2.2 When you are ready to return to your studies, we will support you to do this. As part of this process, you may be required to provide medical evidence to confirm you are well enough to return and that re-engaging with your studies will not be detrimental to your health. We will usually hold a re-convened Support to Study meeting to discuss your return, the support we can offer and our expectations of you. You may be required to make and attend an appointment with the Student Services team, your PGR supervisor and / or the School Support Team before you will be allowed to re-enrol.


10.3 Withdrawal through the Support to Study procedure

10.3.1 In the most extreme case, where we deem your fitness to study is significantly impaired and likely to remain so for a substantial period of time, we may withdraw you from your course. In this case, we will make all reasonable efforts to consult with you and explain why we have made this decision, however, there may be circumstances when this is not possible. 


10.4 Additional information

10.4.1 You can find full details of the Support to study procedure on our website.