Is the campus accessible for people with disabilities?

We have an ongoing programme of improvements to buildings and facilities. Some of the facilities include: accessible toilets (one with a fixed tracking hoist system), voice announcement lifts, induction loop systems, push pads on doors and personal care equipment.

The campus map with accessibility route will assist you in finding our accessible routes around campus. Disability Services can arrange swipe access through specific entrances and exits to help you find the most suitable route for you. Please contact us at, or by calling 01484 471001.

We will notify your academic department if you require level access to teaching rooms, height adjustable desks, specific seating arrangements etc.

If you require parking on campus, Disability Services may be able to supply you with a parking permit. There is an application form that you are required to fill in and this is available from us on request. If you have a local authority issued blue badge, you will be able to park in any of the available accessible bays. If you are not a blue badge holder, you can still apply and you may be able to park in other bays across the campus.

You can find further details on accessibility on our campus accessibility page.