A step-by-step guide on applying for the DSA

Step One - Complete the Application Form

Complete a DSA Slim Form if you are a full time undergraduate who has applied for student finance.

Complete a DSA 1 Form if you are full or part time postgraduate student, a part time undergraduate or you have not applied for student finance.

Send the form and evidence of a disability or disabilities to your funding body. For more information about the evidence required, please see 'What evidence do I need for DSA?' in the useful links section.

There is further advice and guidance on applying at the UCAS website, the Save the Student website and the Diversity and Ability website.


Step Two – Referral for DSA

Your funding body will refer you to one of two companies, Study Tech or Capita, who will do the following:

  1. Arrange for a Needs Assessment. This is a discussion about the impact the disability will have on your course and what support you will need, such as assistive technology, equipment, specialist support or help with the cost of travel. You can request an online or face to face assessment.
  2. Supply any assistive technology or equipment you have been recommended. This will involve delivery and set up of the equipment.
  3. Provide you with the training you need to make the best use of the assistive technology and equipment.

Please see the detail below so you are aware of which company you will be referred to. If you apply ahead of the start of your course, you will be referred to the company in the area where you are currently living. If you apply once you have started your course at the University of Huddersfield, you will be referred to Study Tech.

Zone Territory Supplier


Northwest England

Northeast England

Yorkshire and the Humber

Study Tech

West Midlands

East Midlands


Northern Ireland


East England



Southwest England

Southeast England

Study Tech
Map of zones which Capita and Study Tech cover when supplying DSA. See table for text version

Step Three – Organising non-medical helpers (or Specialist Support)

If you have been recommended a non-medical helper such as a Specialist Mentor, Specialist One to One Study Skills Support, a British Sign Language Interpreter, you will receive a letter from your funding body to let you know which company will be supplying your support. Please contact the company to arrange the support. The contact details are on the letter from your funding body.