Applicant checklist

The way disability support is put in place at university is different compared to Secondary and Further education. The main difference is that you coordinate the support yourself – but Disability Services at the University of Huddersfield are here to help.

Start making your preparations as early as possible and use this check list below to help guide you through the process:

Register with the University Disability Services as soon as possible

Make an appointment with a disability adviser to discuss support – please make sure you tell us all we need to know about the impact of your disability or condition or if you have multiple disabilities

Obtain supporting information about your disability or condition from a medical practitioner or educational psychologist. Disability Services can adviser you further on the type of evidence needed

Apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) – we can guide you through each stage of the application

If you are moving into student accommodation, speak to the company who run the halls about the support and adjustments you might need – such as an accessible room, bathroom and kitchen facilities, an emergency evacuation alert etc.

If you need personal care, this is not funded or supplied by the University and you will need to speak to your Social Services about this in the first instance. However, we can assist with support on the campus for practical tasks such as navigating the campus, note taking, carrying items, opening doors, operating lifts. Please talk to us about how we can support you to manage this.

Storage and taking of medication – you will be responsible for this in Higher Education. Make early arrangements to ensure your GP is in the location of the University, you have an appropriate and safe place to store medication and you can take the medications as and when required.


There is further information in the Go Higher Disabled Learners Transition Pack. This has information about the differences between disability support in FE and HE, a glossary of terms used in University, top tips for organising disability-related support, guidance on applying for the Disabled Students’ Allowance, advice for parents and carers and much more.